“Garde à vous: retour au service militaire” is a prime time show broadcast on M6. For three weeks, 20 young men aged 18 to 24 will relive military service as it was in the sixties: haircut, uniform, assault courses, alarm calls at 6.30 am… This will teach them the values of life, but also the respect of authority, helping each other on solidarity and discipline.
The shooting takes place in Givet, in the Ardennes, an old commando training camp used by the French army between 1961 and 2009, with Marius, ex commando marine.
What will they remember beyond these three weeks? What benefit will they draw from it?
- Airing Time : February 16th 2016
- Broadcasting Channel: M6
- Producer : Studio 89
- Format: 110 minutes
Adrien, alias Recruit Laurent, 21 ans
Augustin, alias Recruit Kauffer, 22 years old
Quentin, alias Recruit Armand, 20 years old
Romain, alias Recruit Arcangeli, 21 years old
Seyba, alias recruit Thiam, 24 years old
Thomas, alias Recruit Baumgarten, 24 years old
Jordan, alias Recruit Marbeau, 26 years old
Kévin, alias Recruit Mayavanga, 22 years old
Lakhdar, alias Recruit Rahim, 20 years old
Louis, alias Recruit Mahe, 18 years old
Nelson, alias Recruit Jangwa-Bebey, 20 years old
Axel, alias Recrue Ghozelam, 22 ans
Florian, alias Recruit Lorailler, 22 years old
Florian, alias Recruit Roche, 22 years old
Giovanni, alias Recruit Vairon, 22 years old
Pierre-Antoine, alias Recruit Leux, 19 years old
Thomas, alias Recruit Michot, 18 years old
Franck, alias Recruit Polo, 27 years old
Orhan, alias Recruit Bolu, 24 years old
Photos : Pierre Olivier/M6