The big brother offers to help teenagers in trouble to get back a taste for living and a healthy family context.
Immersed in the heart of a family for two weeks, big brother tries to recreate a climate for listening, sharing and trust between parents and teenagers in difficulty. The big brother offers a helping hand to teenagers in trouble so that they recover a taste for living and a healthy family context, thanks to a childcare worker. The elder brother, an educator in life as on screen.
The big brother was scouted for his experience difficult family situations. The educator has always wanted to help dysfunctional families. For ten days, he lives, eats and sleeps under the same roof in order to unlock complex and morally difficult cases. It’s a 24/7 job, he is entirely immersed the family, people confide in him and it helps them get back on the right footing the following day.
- Broadcasting Channel : NT1
- Presenter : Pascal Maquin
- Producer : TF1 and la Concepteria
- Format : 1h50