Atlantis Television’s actions to the television programs industry are organized around a large diversity of programs destined to be for every television network and to create some television pieces.
- Au p’tit bonheur la France – 2014 – (Planète+ Thalassa/MFP)
- Copains de jardin – 2012 – (Planète+ Thalassa/MFP)
- Balfego, le thon de père en fils – 2012 – (Planète+ Thalassa/MFP)
- Régine Desforges, amoureuse et rebelle – 2009 –( France 5/MFP)
- Les origines du Sida – 2003 –( France 2/MFP)
- Au p’tit bonheur la France – Saison 2 – 2012 – (Planète+ Thalassa/MFP)
- Au p’tit bonheur la France – Saison 3 – 2013 – (Planète+ Thalassa/MFP)
- Les petites mariées d’Abyssinie – 2005 – (France 5/MFP)
- L’alternative – 2008 – (France 5/MFP)
- Le monde selon Barbie – 2008 – (France 5/MFP)
- Sur les traces du passé – 2008 – (Arte/MFP)
- Tu seras un homme mon fils – 2008 – (France 5/MFP)
- Alimentation lowcost – 2014 – (France 5/PALLAS TELEVISION)
- Sécurité civile corse – 2013 – (TMC/PALLAS TELEVISION)
- Métiers à risques – 2014 – (Téva/PALLAS TELEVISION)
- Les sauveteurs – 2014 – (M6 Zone interdite/PALLAS TELEVISION)
- Les Roms – 2014 – (M6 Enquête exclusive/PALLAS TELEVISION)
- Les soldes – 2014 – (M6/PALLAS TELEVISION)
- Le chocolat – 2014 – (France 5/PALLAS TELEVISION)
- Coup de balai au Vatican (Canal+ Spécial Investigation/Pulsations)
- Escadron du Languedoc – 2013- (TMC/PALLAS TELEVISION)
- Paris Est- 2014- (W9/PALLAS TELEVISION)
- Fils de criminel – 2014 – (13ème rue/PALLAS TELEVISION)
- Deauville – 2014 – (W9/PALLAS TELEVISION)
- Retour à la nature – 2014 – (W9/PALLAS TELEVISION)
- Devenir propriétaire – 90’ – 2013 – (TMC / TF1 Prod)
- Discount – 90’ – 2013 – (TMC / TF1 Prod)
- Club de vacances – 90’ – 2013 – (TMC / TF1 Prod)
- STUPS de Nanterre – 90’ – 2013 – (TMC / TF1 Prod)
- CRS – 90’ – 2013 – (TMC / TF1 Prod)
- FLAG – 90’ – 2013 – (TMC / TF1 Prod)
- Police secours – 90’ – 2013 – (TMC / TF1 Prod)
- Faux et usage de faux – 90’ – 2013 – (TMC / TF1 Prod)
- Légion – 90’ – 2014– (TMC / TF1 Prod)
- Hooligans – 90’ – 2014– (TMC / TF1 Prod)
- Gendarmes d’intervention – 120’ – 2014– (TMC / TF1 Prod)
- Grands magasins – 90’ – 2014– (TMC / TF1 Prod)
- Vol à l’étalage – 120’ – 2014 – (TMC / TF1 Prod)
- Pique-Nique – 90’ – 2014– (TMC / TF1 Prod)
- Nouvelles familles – 90’ – 2014– (TMC / TF1 Prod)
- Business Seine – 90’ – 2014 – (TMC / TF1 Prod)
- Sécurité routière – 90’ – 2014– (TMC / TF1 Prod)
- Police des assiettes – 90’ – 2014– (TMC / TF1 Prod)
- Produits de la mer – 90’ – 2014– (TMC / TF1 Prod)
- Gendarmes mobiles – 90’ – 2014– (TMC / TF1 Prod)
- GIPN : Nous sommes Charlie – 90’ – 2015– (TMC / TF1 Prod)
- Spécial investigation: “L’Affaire Marziali” – 2014 – (Black Dynamite Production / Canal +)
- Pardonner – 2012 – (France 2 / Jara Prod)
- C’est pas le pied la guerre – 2011 – (France 5 / Jara Prod)
- Les dessous des Produits Frais – 2012 –(France 5/Jara Prod)
- Les dessous de la Récup – 2013 – (France 5/Jara Prod)
- Envoyé Spécial : Le Yoga – 2010 – (France 2/Les films de la chance)
- Les docs du dimanche : La BAC – 2013 – (France2/Jara Prod)
- Capital : L’Ardèche – 2012 – (M6/les films de la Chance)
- Capital : Drap de plage – 2012 – (M6/les films de la Chance)
- Capital : A qui profite la crise – 2013 – (M6/les films de la Chance)
- Capital : Cours de cuisine – 2012 -(M6/les films de la Chance)
- Capital : L’été des brasseries -2013-(M6/les films de la Chance)
- Capital : Les Palaces – 2011- (M6/les films de la Chance)
- Capital : la bataille du jambon-2010-(M6/les films de la Chance)
- Faut pas rêver : Drôle de Clown -2013 – (France 3/Les Films de la Chance)
- Faut pas rêver : Bagna – 2013 -(France 3/Les Films de la Chance)
- Reportages : Brico Folies-2010 – (TF1/Les films de la chance)
- La menace d’un Mégaséisme – 2013 – (France 5/MFP)
- Seuls en mer – 2013 – (Planète+ Thalassa/MFP)
- L’équipage d’Agnès B, à la mer comme à la vie – 2011 – (Planète+ Thalassa/MFP)
- Sauveteurs en mer et contre tout – 2011 – (Planète+ Thalassa/MFP)
- Plages du Cap – 2012 – (Planète+ Thalassa/MFP)
- La traversée des mondes – 2012 – (Planète+ Thalassa/MFP)
- La voie du pôle – 2011 – (Planète+ Thalassa/MFP)
- Stéphane Peyron : le voyage à l’envers – 2012 – (Planète+ Thalassa/MFP)
- Les naufragés du Mont Blanc – 2002 – (France 3/MFP)
- Tibet, histoire d’une tragédie – 1995 – (France 3/MFP)
- Mon père, la mer et moi – 2013 – (Planète+ Thalassa/MFP)
- Les Berling, libres comme la mer – 2012 – (Planète+ Thalassa/MFP)
- Au coeur de la mer : les Quéméré – 2011 –( Planète+ Thalassa/MFP)
- Les Desgagnés, la conquête du grand nord – 2011 – (Planète+ Thalassa/MFP)
- Des favelas parisiennes aux banlieues brésiliennes – 2012 – (France O/MFP)
- La route de l’art – 2012 – (France 5/MFP)
- L’odyssée pacifique – 2014 – (Planète+ Thalassa/MFP)
- Zoo de Vincennes, la nouvelle arche de Noé – 2014 – (France 2/MFP)
- Au coeur du Zoo, immersion dans le quotidien d’un zoo d’exception – 2014 – (France 2/MFP)
- Une vie pour les gorilles – 2013 –( France 2/MFP)
- Naissances à la ferme – 2014 – (France 2/MFP)
- Grandeur NATURE Les Pandas ( France 2/ITV)
- Docteur Sauvage – 2014 – (M6/PALLAS TELEVISION)
- Tour Eiffel : La grande épopée – 2014- (RMC découverte – BBC France)
- Visa pour l’Aventure Guatemala – 2013 – (France 5/Jara Prod)
- Visa pour l’Aventure Dans la forêt d’émeraude – 2013 – (France 5/Jara Prod)
- Visa pour l’Aventure L’enfer du Bengale – 2013 – (France 5 / Jara Prod)
- Visa pour l’Aventure Madagascar – 2012 – (France 5 / Jara Prod)
- Crimes au féminin – 2012 – (France 3/Atalante films)
- Soyouz, Ariane 5, Vega sur l’Equateur – 2011 – (Atalante films)
- Envoyé Spécial : La Birmanie – 2012- (France 2/Les Films de la Chance)
- Thalassa : la Corse – 2013-(France 3/Les Films de la Chance)
- Reportages : Les châteaux de la Loire – 2011- (TF1/Les Films de la Chance)
- Reportages : Les châteaux de la Loire – 2011- (TF1/Les Films de la Chance)
- Anne Frank, l’après journal – 2008 – (Planète+ Thalassa/MFP)
- Le dernier combat de Salvador Allende – 1999 – (France 3/MFP)
- Israël-Palestine, une terre deux fois promise – 1997 – (France 3/MFP)
- Un siècle d’écrivains – 1995 –( France 3/MFP)
- Maryse Condé – 2012 – (France 5/Jara Prod)
- Fascination des femmes pour Hitler – 2011 – (Planète/Atalante Films)
- Lizarazu, les frères de la côte – 2011 – (Planète+ Thalassa/MFP)
- Histoires des bords de route – 2013 – (France 2/MFP)
- La foule des bords de route – 2013 – (France 2/MFP)
- A contre courant, une histoire du Freestyle – 2012 – (France O/MFP)
- Sean Paul, le Dancehall King – 2013 – (France O/MFP)
- Soul train le doc 52’ ( ARTE/ITV )
- Eddie Barclay 52’ (ARTE/ITV )
- Malcom X 52’ (ARTE/ITV)
- Les années Funk 52’ (France Ô/ITV)
- Un jour une nuit au service de nos vies 52’( France 2/ITV)
- Les Destins Brisés du Hip Hop 52’ (France Ô/ITV)
- Les Divas de la soul 90’ (France Ô/ITV)
- Marvin Gaye 108’ (France Ô/ITV)
- Cathy Guetta au Brésil 52’ (France Ô/ITV)
- Les couples Légendaires de la musique Américaine 52’ (France Ô/ITV)
- Chants d’Islam – 2012 –( France 2/MFP)
- Les Restos du cœur – 2015 – (TF1/TF1Prod)
- Reportages Les enfoirés – 60’ – 2014 – (TF1/TF1 Prod)
- Reportages Les enfoirés – 60’ – 2015 – (TF1/TF1 Prod)
- La vie à l’époque de Louis XIV – 2014 –( M6/LINK)
- Harry Roselmack, en immersion « aux frontières de la vie » – 91’ – 2015 / (TF1/TF1 Prod)
- Paroles de cinéastes, Patrice Leconte dans la cour des grands – 52’( Canal+/Canal+)
- Marlène Dietrich (France 5/ ILLEGITIMES DEFENSES)
- Jeanne d’Arc – 2015
- Mme De Sevigne – 2015
- La Reine Hortense, pour le meilleur et pour l’empire – 2014
- Les courtisanes : les Reines de Paris – 2014
- Gloire et douleur de Maria Callas – 2014
- Les courtisanes : Agnès Sorel, premières des favorites – 2014
- Les courtisanes, La Pompadour ou le Roi amoureux – 2014
- Le mystère Picasso – 2013
- Gatsby et les magnifiques – 2013
- Frédéric II – 2013
- 14 Juillet 1789 : le matin du grand soir – 2013
- Un homme nommé Jésus – 2013
- Sarah Bernhardt, sa vie, ses folies… – 2013
- Molière tombe le masque ! – 2013
- Juan Carlos, le Roi des Espagnols – 2013
- Louis XIV, les passions du Roi Soleil – 2012
- Elisabeth II, dans l’intimité du règne – 2012
- Lafayette, il était une fois l’Amérique – 2012
- Marie-Caroline, l’indomptable Reine de Naples et de Sicile – 2012
- Louis XV et Marie Leczinska, Tromperie à Versailles – 2012
- Christine de Suède, Reine de scandales – 2012
- Monaco et les Princes de Grimaldi – 2012
- Nicolas Fouquet, le soleil offusqué – 2011
- Sissi impératrice : amour, gloire et tragédie – 2011
- Christophe Khider, l’évasion pour obsession / 2014-2015
- La disparition de Christophe Dalmasso / 2014-2015
- Gilles Andruet, échecs et mort / 2014-2015
- Muller contre Muller / 2014-2015
- Chantal Ternik, Variations sur un suicide / 2014-2015
- Thierry Saman, le concierge qui en savait trop / 2014-2015
- Patruce Alègre, Le sang et la rumeur / 2014-2015
- Juliano Verbard, Petit lys d’amour / 2014-2015
- Gilles de Vallière, l’assassin aux cordelettes / 2014-2015
- André Bamberski, promesse à Kalinka / 2014-2015
- Liliane Paolone, La belle de jour / 2014-2015
- L’inconnu du puits / 2014-2015
- Muller contre Muller / 2013-2014
- Sur la piste de Salaun et Pallatin / 2013-2014
- La seringue du docteur Cosme / 2013-2014
- Gilles Andruet, échecs et mort / 2013-2014
- La disparition de Christophe Dalmasso / 2013-2014
- Christophe Khider, L’évasion pour obsession / 2013-2014
- Xavier Philippe / 2013-2014
- Rodica Negroiu / 2013-2014
- Karine Torchi / 2013-2014
- Guet-Apens au haras / 2013-2014
- Les petites économies de Claude Clément / 2013-2014
- Jean-Etienne Subercaze / 2013-2014
- La disparue de Cancale / 2013-2014
- Affaires de Femmes / 2013-2014
- Ulrich Muenstermann / 2013-2014
- Philippe Rivet / 2013-2014
- Hugues Pignal / 2013-2014
- Eric Bruyas / 2013-2014
- Jennifer Charron / 2013-2014
- Youssouf Fofana / 2013-2014
- Luc Amblard et Guy Bordenave / 2013-2014
- Poker Macabre à Corte / 2013-2014
- Francis Evrard / 2013-2014
- Marc Machin / 2013-2014
- Sophie Berkmans / 2013-2014
- Robert Le Dinh / 2013-2014
- Duel sous les tropiques / 2013-2014
- Jean-Luc Sebin / 2013-2014
- Rémy Roy / 2013-2014
- Emmanuel Rist / 2013-2014
- Jean-Jacques Prévost / 2013-2014
- Raoul Becquerel / 2013-2014
- Robert Lund / 2013-2014
- Claude Nolibé / 2013-2014
- François Légeret / 2013-2014
- Sur les traces de Davis Missé Toubé / 2013-2014
- Caspar et Beille, crime en haute mer / 2013-2014
- Henri Pacchioni / 2013-2014
- Les rescapés d’Outreau
- André Kaas, innocent pour l’éternité
- Jean-Mars Deperrois, l’affaire empoisonnée
- Grégory Villemin, 30ans à la une
- Dany Leprince, le mystère de Thorigné-sur-Dué
- Au cœur de l’homme
- Donner la vie
- L’homme réparé
- Les pionniers de l’urgence
- A qui profite les cures ?
- Médecins généralistes : crise de foi
- Sucre, l’addiction s’il vous plaît !
- Complémentaires Santé : Inégalités assurées ?
- Phytothérapie, des racines et des herbes
- Steve Jobs / Bill Gates, le hippie et le geek
- Poudres de Guerre. Elisabeth Arden – Helena Rubinstein
2013 – France 2 / MFP
2013 – France 4 / MFP
2012 – France 3 / MFP
2013 – France 2 / MFP
2013 – France 2 / MFP
2007 – France 3 / MFP
2007 – France 2 / MFP
2009 – France 2 / MFP
2009 – France 3 / MFP
France 2 / MFP
France 3 / MFP
2010 – France 3 / MFP
- Reine du bricolage – 2015
- Femmes pilotes – 2015
- Tel père telle fille – 2015
- Petits producteurs – 2014
- Viager – 2014
- Vacances – 2014
- 1er pas – 2014
- Indiens Atikameks – 2014
- Cuisine médiévale – 2014
- Affaire du petit Grégory et Affaire Amanda Knox – 2014
- Affaire Flactif – 2014
- Affaire Romand et Un crime presque parfait – 2014
- Affaire Machin et Kidnapping Fatal – 2014
- Affaire Marc Dutroux et Cadavres Chambre froide – 2014
- Affaire Courjault et Rendez-vous avec la mort – 2014
- Affaire Guy George et Les liens du sang – 2014
- Affaire Bodein et Trop jeune pour mourir – 2014
- L’affaire des séquestrés de Cleaveland – 2015
- Le tueur de l’autoroute – 2015
- Affaire Halimi le gang des barbares – 2015
- Crimes non résolus – 2015
- La mystérieuse affaire de la Josacine empoisonnée – 2015
- Sur les traces du tueur de vieille dames – 2015
- Affaire Francis Heaulme, le routard du crime – 2015
- La disparue du lac – 2015
- Bocuse (en cours de montage) – 2015
- Aéroport Orly – 2014
- Coupe du monde Brésil – 2014
- Salon de l’agriculture – 2014
- Florence Foresti – 2014
- Gad Elmaleh – 2014
- Dany Boon – 2013
- Patrick Swayze – 2013
- Whitney Houston – 2013
- Gad Elmaleh – 2014
- Dany Boon – 2013
- Patrick Swayze – 2013
- Whitney Houston – 2013
- Tous les sujets de 2007 à 2014
- All the subject from 2013
For France Televisions and in collaboration with “MFP”, “Et la suite Productions” and “Black Dynamite”, Atlantis is pleased to participate daily and for numerous years to the creation of great cultural shows for the public service.
Ce soir ou jamais
Production : MFP
“Ce soir ou jamais!” wishes to present the news as seen by the culture. It’s broadcast live and with an audience. The audience doesn’t intervene during the show: there is no applause, nor reaction, but they can move freely. The show is structured around several sets of guests, united around precise topics, and long interviews leaving room for the guest to express his opinion and less for the host. The show is about cultural news quite classical (books, cinema, live show, night life…) but also engages in some deeper debates concerning the place of the culture in France, society related questions or news debates and press reviews.
It ends with a musical set where singers and musicians of all musical styles come to get known.


Le Divan
Production : Et la Suite Productions
After 3 years of absence, the host Marc Olivier Fogiel comes back on the little screen with his producer and friend Rachel Khan with a new version of the historic show hosted by Henri Chapier between 1987 and 1994: “Le Divan”.
I wanted a show that wasn’t linked to the news, a long interview. At first, I had imagined that we could do as if the guest was dead and we were looking at a review of his life. And then I found out it was gadget. I especially wanted to have a great interview. I remembered Henri Chapier, especially because I almost bought the famous yellow sofa when it was on sale to profit Reporters without borders. So I decided to assume the link with this historical show.
Grand Public
Production : Black dynamite
Aïda Touihri wishes this show to make people “want to go see a movie, go to an exhibit, read a book, without to much of babbling (…). The goal is to get the culture closer not only to those who live between the Boulevard Saint-Germain and the 16th district, but also to my neighbor, my mother, my mother in law, the person I’m going to pass by in the street”.
Today, “Grand Public” is a 3 minutes program, broadcasted every Friday at 8:30pm on France 2 (rerun on Wednesdays at 10:30pm).
The show has a unique lightning able to gather everyone through a really fun and innovative way of filming. You will get backstage, anecdotes, and creation secrets to discover or rediscover and learn about a popular and universal culture.
A piece, an artist, a myth, a sacred monster, a best seller, a blockbuster, a masterpiece… As many cultural objects decrypted by the voice of a public confronted to those of experts and privileged witnesses.
The culture can be transmitted, shared and gather in Grand Public!


Semaine critique
Production : Et la Suite Productions (Sept 2010/ juin 2011)
“Semaine critique!” welcomed 4 guests every week, coming from the political world (from all parties, from Jean-Luc Mélenchon to Marine Le Pen), the cultural and media world. After a guests’ presentation by Thibault Nolte, Franz-Olivier Giesbert would comment on their news, often literary, and several columnists would intervene.
Part of the F-O.G “crew”, some participated every week, on a row or not, to the show:
– David Abiker, radio journalist
– Fabrice d’Almeida, historian
– Elisabeth Lévy, journalist
– Adélaïde de Clermont-Tonnerre, writer
– Caroline Fourest, Journalist
– Marion Ruggieri, Journalist
– Nicolas Bedos, for his pathological liar week, a humoristic chronicle about the week before linked to news and guests on the set.
Production : Et la Suite Productions (sept 2011/june 2012)
“Avant-Premieres” was a weekly cultural show, hosted by Elizabeth Tchoungui and broadcasted on France 2 on Wednesdays at 10pm.
She followed “Semaine Critique!” hosted by Franz-Olivier Giesbert from 2010 to 2011, aired on Fridays.
“Anat-Premieres offered each Wednesday a passionate panorama: fun, varied and rich of everything created at this moment in cinema, theater, literature, music and every arts in general.”

We have accompanied from their creation several great new programs, such as the development with Jessica Miri of the advendure of “La Nuit des Médias”, which became for their 7th edition “L’Assemblée des Médias”.
We also were by the “Lauriers de la Radio et de la television” ’s side for their 20th anniversary.
At last, we collaborated with the association Beauzart Saint-Germain in the creation of an event “Fête le mur”, dedicated to video art.
An event closed by the award ceremony, presided by the Art Merchant Robert Vallois and leant to 2 great structures of the Art world: the Montrouge Salon and the Professional Comity of Art Galleries.
This great manifestation, since the creation of its Revelation Trophee, gave over 150 talent creators the opportunity to present their trans media pieces. They are the new pioneers of numeric creation; they are the creators today that will reinvent the creation of tomorrow.
Created in 2006, “La Nuit des Médias” reunited over 1000 professionals for a debate and an evening.
Since its 5th edition in 2012, “La Nuit des Médias” became “L’Assemblée des Médias”. Strong of its previous successes, this professional event took a new image and organizes itself around an enlarged format, as demanded by professionals themselves, who wished to take more time to share about challenges and new horizons that will open to them following the numeric revolution.
Again this year, for its 7th edition, the event took place at the Pierre Cardin’s Space, on Monday, December 8th 2014.
As it does every year, the Assembly encouraged the multi devices creation and offered their author a privileged exhibit.


The ceremony of the Laurels that gathers every year all of the French television actors awards programs which contributed to a cultural enrichment, the given awards cover the diversity of fields of expression.
For this 20th editions, 19 awards constituted the winners, which, for the occasion, was enlarged by the creation of a Musical Laurel, in association with the SACEM, awarding the most beautiful musical creation for a TV piece, and by 2 “special prices” awarding pieces or the most innovative initiatives of the last 20 years; on one hand by the writing process, and on the other hand, by the innovation field, such as technics, radio and television forms.
An honorary jury constituted by former and prestigious winners gave those 2 awards. Patricia Allémonière, Hervé Bourges, Pierre Boutron, Annick Cojean, Isabelle Giordano, Pierre Lescure, Patrick Jeudy and Jacques Santamaria.
Leïla KaddourBoudadi, journalist and columnist on France Inter, hosted the ceremony.
20 years is a beautiful age to measure how much the French audiovisual creation shines by its audacity and its liveliness, its quality requirements and its diversity.
This exceptional patrimony, the culture that echoes the world, we owe it to men and women’s talents, passionate by their jobs, fueled by the desire to share, the pleasure to create and to entertain. We dedicate this anniversary to them of course: producers, authors, directors, technicians, artists, journalists and broadcasters.20 years… in this space, overwhelmed by the numeric revolution, the audiovisual knew how to interpret the codes, drawing new creative horizons, modeling ne services to satisfy the audiences’ want and the multimedia grammar. Jobs, broadcasting support, and uses… everything evolved with the technological progresses and the social economic mutations. However, the human intelligence will always be free to choose and to create.
The creators know it very well because this freedom is the very source of their inspiration. They give those to us as a donation, like a knowing field or emancipation one, structuring our idea of otherness, challenging our imagination and our curiousness. By revealing the smile and the desire of a future, our part of dream and hope, as cure to those really actual aches as gloom, defiance and ultimate violence.
The jury then decided to dedicate a ranking that wears high the exigency to honor better those who contributed to the richness of programs in 2014. But as it is an exceptional year, a honorary jury wanted to award the audiovisual in its most creative and innovative form, pieces and jobs contributing fully to the richness of the French culture exception.
As it, our Audiovisual Club reinforces its deep attachment to its original mission. A mission regularly pursued through the organization of debates, often inviting celebrities to share their thoughts on the future of medias.
Lets hope this dynamic of progress and openness keeps gathering us.
In 2012 around La Palette Café, the association Beauzarts Saint-Germain created the event “Fête le mur”, dedicated to video art and closed by an award ceremony, under the honorary presidency of Robert Vallois, art merchant. It was structured on 2 buildings meaninfull for the art world: the Salon de Montrouge and the Comité Professionnel des Galeries d’Art”.
Indeed, La Palette Café, a Germanopratine institution, eternal place for artsts meetings, students of Beaux-Arts but also Art merchants, has, as a vocation during the event, to constitute a real platform of expression and promotion for new talented video artists.
Fir the first edition, La Palette Award was attributed to Eponime Momenceau, winner of the special prize of the “Salon Montrouge” and also presented at the Tokyo Palace during some exhibition of the Pierre Bergé-Yves Saint-Laurent Fundation.
For its second edition, the event “Fête le mur” occurred in association with the Salon de Montrouge, under the artistic direction of Stéphane Corréard, with the Comité Professionnel des Galeries d’Art but also with the Francès Fundation, new partner in 2013 and a reference on the contemporary art scene.


Every year, the profits from this festival allow helping and supporting sick people in over 20 countries including their families.
AIDS creates situations of social emergencies (job lost, exclusion, stigma…).
To fight it, Solidarité Sida, via its associative partners, contributes to buying meds, to help watching the patients (following treatments), to organize visits at home, to create some food workshop or even some talking groups.
In France, a direct help that allows supporting people in a great poverty situation completes this program.
Because they are prisoners, they live in an anti-gay country or because society rejected them, some sick people have to lead a double fight: against the virus and against exclusion. Whether it’s through information programs or psychological help, Solidatié Sida comes to help those populations to get them back into their community. In 2006, Atlantis Television lead the postproduction of the Soliday’s Parade and gave every shooting means necessary for it.
More info: www.solidays.org
The values that allow the association to have the appropriate answer to the people living with AIDS are the base to the Sidaction’s action.
On April 7, 1994, the French biggest TV channels unites and offer a unique program: the Sidaction is born.
23 millions viewers, 45 million euros donated.
In 2996, Pierre Bergé becomes president of “Together against AIDS”.
The vice-president is none other than Line Renaud (insert photo).
Every year, artists mobilize for the cause.
Since 2013, TF1 prost produces its short videos to ask for donations at Atlantis Television.
More info: www.sidaction.org


The Zapping’s Night is organized every year by the Solidarité Sida foundation, around a concept of a TV show: the Zapping.
All profits go to the foundation, half in France and half abroad.
All along this giant zapping, documentaries dedicated to prevention and awareness are broadcasted.
The first edition took place in 1996.
In 2006, Atlantis Television did the editing of the promotional film for the event.
Un pas vers la vie
Created in 2008 to help parents of autistic children and their families, the foundation “A STEP TOWARDS LIFE” is presided by Eglantine EMEYE.
1 child out of 150 suffers some autistic troubles. Those children are suffering, rarely talking, not sleeping enough, are in constant angst, and have some frightening attitudes. Autism is still a disaster, because children can’t talk to us about their pains or tell us what is going on in their heads.
The goal of this foundation is to create a Centre of rest for children, for a duration of 3 to 90 days in Pierrefeu-du-Var. It’s a way for exhausted families to rest for a time and get together better afterward.
Atlantis Television supports this foundation and is glad to have been able to help it in their films’ postproduction.
More info: www.unpasverslavie.fr


On December 26, at 11pm, W9 broadcasts the show EVERYBODY SINGS on W9.
This concert gathers artists and free workers for the TOUT LE MONDE CHANTE CONTRE LE CANCER foundation.
There is Louise Ekland, Jérôme Anthiny, Guillaume Pley, Black M, Frero Delavega, Irma or even Gregoire.
This exceptional night is dedicated to solidarity and Atlantis Television partners with this great cause by supporting the production company Terminale 9 Studios for the postproduction.
More info: www.toutlemondechante.net