Pekin Express, the great adventure game of M6, brings 10 teams of competitors on the “road to the end of the world”. This season: the adventure in the most extreme way.
Candidates discover this year a new route and must live the most exhausting season of “Pekin Express”. They will travel through amazing landscapes, but also be confronted with extreme conditions and go through every emotion. They will be surprised, share, help each other, dream… but also suffer, want to quit, be afraid, resist, fight, and hate each other…
From the Amazonian jungle, from the top of the Ecuador volcano, in the dryness of the Atacama desert, the most arid of the world, to the Ushuaia cold and to Tierra del Fuego.
They will cross Ecuador, Chili, Argentina with only 1 euro per day and per person.
In every step of their journey, candidates will have to meet people of each town and village they’ll cross to ask them to help to travel and find a place to stay. In each episode, the team coming last across the finish line is on the verge of being out.

At the end of this adventure, only 2 teams will participate to the great finale in Ushuaia and will try to win the 100 000 euros.
“Pekin Express, the road to the end of the world” is the hardest edition of all “Pekin Express”. Candidates will have to transcend themselves in order to resist to the multiple climate changes and hope to get to the end of the world. They will have over 10 000km of adventure and colors…

Some coldness from glaciers to the hotness of desert.
Undersea vision in the Pacific to the top of the Cordillera of Andes.
Unknown language of indigenes to the universal poetry of Pablo Neruda.
From loneliness to excitement of mythical cities.
From tribe’s lore to popular traditions
From isolated villages to megalopolis.
From hard paths to never ending strait lines
From tropical sweat to the unbearable dryness
From unforgettable encounters to hard competition
From moment of peace to extreme fatigue
Atlantis Television prost produces the show Pekin Express and is disappointed by the stopping of it.
It was an amazing show, well produced and very well written.